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Socket Screws

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  • Socket Screws
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Socket screws and Socket head caps screws are commonly used for applications with limited space. Socket head cap screws have a cylindrical head with an internal wrenching feature such as hex socket tightened and loosened with a hex key or Allen wrench. The internal wrenching feature for tightening purposes allows socket head cap screws to be used in locations where there is limited area where externally wrenched fasteners would be difficult. Socket head caps screws are commonly used for machine tools, machinery applications, vehicles and some engineering applications and are typically made from high strength steel. Some consider the reason for using socket head cap screws in industrial applications to be economy, reliability, and safety. Socket head cap screws are available in different head styles such as button head and flat countersunk head and are available in black oxide alloy steel and stainless steel and are also available in course thread NC and fine thread NF. Socket screws are available in a variety of head styles and alloys course and fine thread including socket head cap screws coarse, socket head cap screws fine, flat head socket cap screws coarse, flat head socket cap screws fine, button head socket cap screws coarse, button head socket cap screws fine, socket set screws course, socket set screws fine, stainless socket head cap screws course, stainless socket head cap screws fine, stainless flat head socket caps course, stainless flat head socket caps fine, stainless button head socket cap screws course, stainless button head socket cap screws fine, stainless socket set screws course, and stainless socket set screws fine.

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